Saturday, February 24, 2007

Trustees Seek DNA From James Brown:
Guess they couldn't find it in "da hot tub!"

I couldn't resist. "Rub-a-dub --yowww! In a hot tub -- yow-yow!"

Now on to serious matters:
As we all know, James Brown got around (sorry, didn't mean to rhyme). The trustees of his estate know this and they have asked for DNA samples to be taken from Mr. brown to prove the paternity of any and all who claim him as "Daddy" - or in the case of moms - "My baby daddy."

Probably would've been a bit more respectful had they not waited for him to be dead 2 MONTHS to think about this! Apparently there have been lots of people who have come forward claiming Brown paternity but Brown only named 6 (slacker) in his will. Brown's longtime partner, and his partner, Tomi Rae Hynie, has said her young son also is Brown's child.

As for now, Mr. Brown is presumably resting peacefully in his coffin as he waits to be respected.


1 comment:

  1. It's so sad when people come out of the woodworks like this.
