Friday, March 30, 2007

Jenna's Ruined Va-Jay-Jay

Note to self: DO NOT get a vaginoplasty before the movie of my pornographic life is finished and DO NOT get any plastic surgery while going through a "nasty divorce." A HUGE thanks to porn queen Jenna Jameson for teaching me (and us really) this valuable lesson!

Rush and Molloy are reporting Hollywood honchos are looking to make Jameson's best-selling memoirs, "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star," into a movie but she reportedly hasn't been showing up for meetings because she had some "work done" on her triangle (years of porn affect your don't say!) and isn't happy with the results.

Looks like chicky got a botched vagina snipping to go with her botched facial surgery and lumpy left boob.

So I think we can all agree: Jenna says she is going through a "nasty divorce" and it looks like she's been trying to make herself feel better by feeding her possible plastic surgery addiction. NO SURGERY DURING THE DIVORCE PROCESS PEOPLE!

This concludes today's lesson. Now, go appreciate your va-jay-jay for what it is and not what you want it to be.


  1. She looks horrendous!

  2. Oh my, a vaginoplasty? Unless you are reallly funky down there I just don't get it. Scary.
