Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lohan Gets Kudos From Me & Wilmer Tries to Sing Her Back Into His Life

It is so easy to pick apart LaLohan because she's always, well, making it easy. However, a couple of things stood out to me in these pictures:

1) KUDOS Linds for chilling on the fugly lipsticks/glosses and thank you for not lining outside of your natural lip line. Bravo.

2) KUDOS for those necklaces - even if that sword looks like something you'd use to snort your coke on the go. They are sick and I love 'em. Of course you will tire of them within the week so call me and I'll give you my FedEx account number so I can take them off your hands.

3) KUDOS for buttoning up and wearing a bra. Bras are good honey. Your tatas won't look so hot in a couple of years if you keep running around without one.

Overall your outfit sucks and I wasn't a fan of the blond but I'm def note a fan of the orange - but I often like to focus on the positive - not the negative. Your welcome honey.

Rush & Malloy are reporting Lindsay's ex Wilmer Valderrama hit up Unik's karoake night Sunday to try to win back LaLohan and that she was witnessed downing at least 3 glasses of champagne. Looks like Wilmer even sang to Linds!! BAHHHH!:

"He tried to talk to her, but she didn't have much time for him," noted our spywitness. "Then he grabbed a microphone and said, 'Lindsay, this is for you.' "

In front of the packed house, Valderrama sang these lyrics from Matchbox 20's "Back 2 Good:" "Just stand there/I could say so much...But I don't go there cuz I don't want to I was thinking if you were lonely Maybe we could leave here and no one would know... I'm lonely now and I don't know how to get it back to good."

After the guy sang his heart out, Lohan, now sitting at a table with five pals, including Samantha Ronson, yelled out for all to hear: "It's too late!"

"Wilmer tried to take it like a man," says our clubgoer. "But he left a few minutes later. He headed up to PM."

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