Thursday, June 28, 2007

Paris on Larry King

YES! I have the video of Paris Hilton's on Larry King Live -- her first interview out of jail. Grab a Guinness and some beer nuts - she's brilliant!

In the real interview, this fool straight up DENIED USING DRUGS. DENIED IT!

Your honor, I present exhibit A. Oh, and EXHIBIT B below: Ms. Hilton smoking a doobie at Coachella in May...

Isn't this on-air personality's reaction to more Paris Hilton pretty much how we all feel? Well, except for her fans.


  1. I LOVE THIS! Thanks for finding it and sharing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

  2. To damn funny. Why does this girl make so much money and get so much press? It's just ridiculous.

  3. I can't believe she denied drug use. Her drug use is well documented!

    Love the video!

  4. I just keep watching that over and over again. Can't stop laughing. That's exactly how I see her! Thanks!
