Sunday, March 4, 2007

Boy George Hating on Madonna - Again

First he bitched in his TV show "The Madness of Boy George" that Madonna was "a vile, hideous, horrible human being with no redeeming qualities" and now he is "disgusted" with her because she is a Kabbalah devotee and he says Kabbalah is intolerant of same-sex relationships. Says George:

"I have investigated it and they are homophobic...I do think it's shocking that somebody who has made so much money out of gay people is now part of an organisation which is anti-gay."


Anonymous said...

Well I BGeorge is right. If you're going to champion for gays then you should be aware of organizations that don't support them. But Madonna always does what she wants anyway, without even bothering to explain herself. I guess she's too rich to care anymore.

Anonymous said...

He does make sense - but aren't all religions against same sex unions?