Where's My Paint Can?! JLo's Wearing Fur Again!
AHHHHHH, I DESPISE people who wear fur! You can practically hear them, in the most pretentious voice possible saying, "Darling, this is the best chinchilla (or whatever animals skinned for their sake - it takes many to make one damn coat) the world has to offer. Yes, darrrrling, I am sooo warm. I would just diiiiiie without my fur coats, vests and wraps."It makes my skin crawl and I want to punch JLO in the face along with every other person who wears fur. We don't live in the time of the caveman/cavewoman where they had no other options...GET WITH IT YOU ARSEHOLES!
It is impossible to make fur wearing look good - you just look like a stuck up arsehole - and JLO wore the same fur vest to a photocall in Paris on Friday (March 23 '07) as she did when she arrived in Spain - and stepped off her private jet.
And to top it all off: Your entire outfit at the photocall looks ridiculous, your husband still looks like Skeletor and you're shoes look like you borrowed them from the Olsen sisters. Hire a new stylist women. If that stylist is you - you're fired. Can you tell she has pissed me off?! I shouldn't be pissed off before game day. It's not good for my nerves.
Seriously, those shoes look like hospital-hooker shoes...Everybody all together now, "U-G-L-Y they ain't got no alibi - they ugly - they ugly!"
Her face is pretty but that fur, the outfit, and the shoes are awful. What an ugly look.
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