Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Adults Can Be Better

Ok, so here's the background: Alec Baldwin flipped out on his 11-year-old daughter and left a hateful voicemail message on her cell phone, mom Kim Basinger denied leaking the message to the media, mom hired a security guard to protect daughter Ireland from all of the media attention, Alec severed ties (or was let go) with his talent agency CAA (Creative Artists Agency) & Rosie O'Donnell made an announcement on "The View" (after already announcing June would be the end of her contract with "The View") this morning that Alec would be on Friday's show to apologize and explain his side of the story.

Of course, we know the apology is pre-taped (done today - Wednesday) and we know it will be severely edited...but here's what People magazine has been able to gather:

"Obviously calling your child a pig or anything else is improper and inappropriate and I apologize to my daughter for that," Baldwin said on the show, which is scheduled to air Friday.

"There's nothing wrong with being frustrated or angry about the situation," added Baldwin. "It's the way you do it, and as people often do in this world, I took it out on the wrong person."

"In my own case, with this message, I had never done this before in my life," he said.

Baldwin also added that he has asked NBC to release him from his contract for 30 Rock because he doesn't want the show or its cast and crew to be negatively affected by him.

"If I never acted again I couldn't care less," he told the audience. "I would like to devote myself to the cause of parental alienation," which is a subject Baldwin says he's writing a book about.

Lorne Michaels executive producer of "30 Rock" and head honcho at "Saturday Night Live" was also quoted as saying: "When you're dealing with custody, you never really know what's going on but I know he cares deeply about his daughter."

I just wish the family lots of luck in healing and in bringing this horrendous custody battle to an end. Let this be a lesson people, careful who you marry and have children with. If there is ugliness before marriage and chirrens - it will only be compounded after. Ya hearrrrd.


Anonymous said...

Someone needs to stand up for Alec! Who's parents haven't gone off on them? It is a shame that this is what we do to people when they make a mistake. We should all be thankful that we ALL aren't recorded in our daily lives. The media did this to Alec and all of the sheep just followed along. Everyone who is judging him needs to look at themselves. NONE OF US ARE PERFECT!

Anonymous said...

I think plenty are standing up for Alec.

We all know no one is perfect. We all say things we regret. This is why many of us have said that it's too bad this got out and that it should, in no way, affect his work.

However, this is not the first time he has blown up at someone and to hear it being directed at an 11 year old daughter made it even more nasty. Hopefully it isn't a common thing with him - talking to his daughter this way. But who knows.

And yes, I am grateful everything in my life isn't documented. But I'm not a celebrity making millions a year and depending on publicity to keep making those millions either.

He will recover. She will recover. Everyone will move on.

Anonymous said...

As much as he's a loose cannon and did a really bad thing, I'm sure he's really regretting it now. Parents freak out on their kids all the time, but to be so cruel and personal and aim his rage at his daughter is going to be very hard for him to recover from publicly. I can hardly wait to see what goes down on The View. When Rosie announced it yesterday, the audience reaction was confused and mixed.

Anonymous said...

Celebrity or not that doesn't give the media or people the right to do this to them. He may have a temper, but we don't know him as a person or what his or any other celebrity's real life is like. I do think that we turn all of this into such a big deal. Who is thinking about how this went public and what that did to an 11 year old girl? Oh her dad and mother make millions because they are celebritys so I guess it is ok then. Yeah they have no right to privacy at all!