Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Aniston & Diaz Have Same Nose Doc

Both chickies have had nosejobs in the last several months (Jen in January & Diaz last November) to, ahem, correct deviated septums. I'd take Jen's over Cam's any day but I think both are uniquely beautiful. They both pretty much look the same...

Us Weekly claims the two chatted it up at the Night Before Oscar party at the Beverly Hills Hotel on 2/24 and that there was one man they were talking about:

Who was this mystery man? None other than Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Raj Kanodia, the man behind Diaz and Aniston's recent rhinoplasty surgeries.

While Diaz, 34, gushed to Aniston that her nose was “the nose my nose always wanted to be,” she also couldn't help raving about Kanodia's spiritual side and the impact its had on her life.

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