Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mills Fell, Picked Up, Brushed Off...Good On Ya Heather!

Heather Mills (soon-to-be ex-wife of Paul McCartney) continues to rock the Casbah on possibly the lamest show ever - "Dancing With the Stars" - and she took a spill the other night.

I give Heather, who lost her left leg (below the knee) in 1993 when she was struck by a police motorcycle as she crossed the street, major kudos for rockin' it as much as she is.

Still think she's a greedy mo-fo but she has bigger balls than I do...and mine touch my knees.

Keep it up greedy ho (that's not as bad as "nappy-headed hos" is it?). I keed I keed. I've included the video below for your viewing pleasure. She didn't fall until the very end so she none of us can bitch at her for it.

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