Britney Performed As a Wigged Out Hooker
Yes folks, Britney Spears is back lip-synching her heart out for those who care to pay. After much speculation of will she? won't she? - Spears did a 15 minute set at the San Diego House of Blues at the cost of $100+ dollars for a single ticket. Scalpers had 'em going for $500+. Only idiots paid that shite.
Hopefully they told patrons that after the show they would feel like they got poked in the arse without a nice pre-show dinner to loosen them up.Hooker clothes when shopping, hooker clothes when working out, hooker clothes on stage...nice! They're appropriate for a performance (in the right context) but that's about it.
Kudos to BritBrit for getting back out there but she needs to work on her damn vocals, needs a costume designer & needs extra glue to make sure her wigs don't fly off. Although, now that I think about it, how cool would it be if she ripped off a wig to show peroxide blond spiked hair a' la' P!nk? That would rule!
I have heard nothing good about her performance other than that she got on stage. Looks like a high school lip-synching contest. It WAS!
Could she look any more awkard is nasty?
Um, maybe she should try to act like a 24-26 yr old (however old she is) performer and not like she did years ago. Couldn't she have a bit more grown up show at this point?
Come on-why is it that no-one will give this girl a break? Why is it that all anybody can say is negative. Can you imagine the Guts it took to do that after EVERYTHING that has been said about her.The posts have proved what she is up against!
I am not a fan of hers just think that enough is enough and it's time to leave the Britney Hate camp.
i agree get ofthe hate train and get a life....we all make mistakes you know....haven't you?
Upchuck(er) gave her kudos for getting out there and for getting control of herself again.
Those who never liked Britney just don't like her even more now. Nothing wrong with that. I have never really liked her and REALLY can't stand her now. But that's a personal opinion. I'm entitled to it. I'm not giving her a break but I also don't claim I'm God's gift either.
Nothing wrong with saying she looked like shit and the show was a mess.
Good luck Britney...happy to see you performing again.
"performing again..." HAH, that's funny!
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