Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Here Comes Lily Allen - Quick Cover Your Nose!

The usually friendly Lily Allen cut a razzi's nose last night as she walked from the Wardour nightclub to nearby Groucho Club - a reported distance of one mile - followed by some 20 photogs. Who walks a damn mile from one bar to the other? Couple blocks - even several blocks - sure. A mile? No.

Things were fine for a bit then Lily freaked out and started kicking and hitting the pack of razzi. She would be laughing one minute then cursing the next. BAHHHH!

"She decided to walk the mile or so to the Groucho.
"Halfway there she lashed out at a photographer, cutting his nose. She then tried to kick another photographer."

"As we were nearing the Groucho, she started posing for pictures - then she just lost it and started attacking a female photographer..."

"Her friends had to split up the fight."

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